About Us

The Cowichan Consort Orchestra and Choir is a classical community musical ensemble of around 50 orchestral players and 50 singers from around the Cowichan Valley. These semi-pro, retired, amateur, and student musicians have been entertaining local audiences for the past 32 years without government support. We have three to five evening performances per season, with audiences numbering between 300-750 per performance. Not only do we regularly include youth choirs and young singers as guests in our programs, but we usually perform for local schools each April. In March, we feature the youth of the Cowichan Valley with a concerto competition for solo instrument and/or voice winner(s). We hope you will read our history page and note our upcoming events on this website.

Join in weekly to play with the Cowichan Consort Orchestra:

Anyone, young people especially, who are studying violin, viola, cello & bass who wish to play with the orchestra, should have reached the Conservatory Grade 6/7 grade levels. Coaching on the repertoire from any private string lessons outside of orchestra practice time is also extremely helpful in keeping up with the section’s players. We encourage student
attendance at rehearsals and the Concertmaster or Conductor has final say as to whether they perform each selection of music at the concert.

Wind chairs are only open when a seat becomes available. As of August 2024 one french horn, 2nd oboe, and two of the three  trombone chairs are open.

Contact us for more info, if you wish to volunteer in some capacity or give support.

See you at a concert!

April 23 2022
Soloists: Gary Relyea bass-baritone, Adam Dyjach tenor, and Julia Morgan soprano


Guest Conductor: Erica Phare-Bergh
Soloist: Gary Relyea